Saturday, March 29, 2008


Few clarifications...we've had a recent rash of newcomers, and I've had LOTS of questions and some confusion so let's hash this out. Remember if you have a very popular name like Melissa, Julie, Heather, Laura, Lisa, etc....please use your last initial. Some of us don't have to worry about this like Vonna...I'm the only one I know so I don't have to worry about it, but some of you...need to worry about it because I get easily confused!

The holiday rounds are "extra" rounds that run at the same time or concurrently with the regularly scheduled rounds. The holiday rounds are the only rounds with "THEMES" you need to follow the "theme" specified to participate in the round. If it isn't a holiday that you celebrate, then don't participate!

Remember you can join in as many rounds as you like, you can even lay off a few rounds and come back at a later point in time...just communicate your wishes with me. If you want to be removed from the board...let me know and I'll remove you - no problem.

We're all doing really good! I'm impressed with everyone's attention to detail. If I fall behind and miss me with the housekeeping by letting me know you've sent/rec'd and your name isn't marked off...I have two jobs and 4 kids...that speaks for itself. I'm human and have a life outside this board. SO help is always appreciated....but give me a couple of days before you let me know, as I usually just may take a couple of days.

Thanks for your help and attention to makes my life a lot easier!

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