Monday, June 16, 2008

Round 6 - Cathy Boyd's Squares

My apologies for such a late post - I wanted to thank Catherine for her lovely squares that I received for Round 6 - the design (prairie school) is absolutely gorgeous and colours chosen were just lovely, for some reason my picture decided to load sideways but you can get the idea!!!. Catherine sent some beautiful material and a lovely post it note set which my daughter has now taken command of. Here is a picture which I hope will do the real thing justice. Thanks again Catherine for being a lovely fair and square partner. I know that you are still waiting on mine that seem to have been lost in the postal black hole!! I have been working on other squares that I am happy to send in place of the originals. Waiting to hear from you. Best wishes and fond regards, Sharon B.x x x

1 comment:

Janice said...

These are lovely!