Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Hello Fair and Square Members...
Just a couple of reminders. July 14 is the MAILDATE for the "CELEBRATE SUMMER Round" Please make sure those that are participating get their squares in the mail by July 14 (this coming Monday).
*REMEMBER* if you do not get your squares in the mail by July 14th you *must* contact your partner and the moderator of the round giving them a DATE that you expect to mail your squares. Please make sure we all maintain to this RULE. Memberships will be deleted if they do not communicate their intentions on mailing their squares. Rules have been clearly set about this, yet a small number still refuse to send moderators any information about their intent on mailing. It's a simple rule, let's follow it please.

We have just a handful of people remaining on Round #7 - We have passed the deadline and the two week "clean-up" period deadline for this round. We still have a number of people that have not received and a few that have not been marked as sending. We are well on our way to being 9 weeks for this rotation - I'm thinking there are some people that need to e-mail their moderator and give a DATE as in I will mail by: 7/? so that I can mark it on the list.


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