Hello, hope this finds you all well. I am sending every member an e-mail to ask them if they want to continue on with Fair and Square. We have something like 170 members (since we're greater than 2 years old we have the "old blogger" and don't have author limits) and not everyone is participating, which makes me think that not everyone wishes to be a member any longer. I'm going to limit membership to a certain number, after I get everything cleaned up.
For now Membership is CLOSED and I will add names to a waiting list first come first served.
I have made the list of exchanges that will be available for 2009 - please see the sidebar. You will notice that I've deleted "Holiday Rounds" and "Celebrate the Season". I will offer 4 Special Rounds next year including our regular numbered rounds they are: Easter, 4th of July, Halloween and Christmas. This is due to popularity only. If you wish to receive "seasonal" squares then we need to put this either in your member profile or you just mention it yourself to your partner.
Sadly again, I must revisit this "goodie" issue, since this a.m. I had a handful of e-mails about it. We will remain "goodie-less" for the remainder of this year. I am putting up polls to "poll you" about this goodie issue. So if you feel strongly about this issue - one way or the other - vote today. Polls will close Dec. 31 at midnight. Rules will be changed at that time depending on the outcome. EDITED TO ADD: Poll feature allows you to only vote once - you may change your vote - but it only allows you cast one vote. (I was asked about the sampling not being true - but it is and members only may vote). If you happen to see blog posts of members that have exchanged goodies, please know that it was of their own violition and it was a "personal exchange" not attached to Fair and Square.
Thank you for your help and attention to these matters!
1 comment:
I just want to say that letting people decide on a round by round basis is going to be a logistical nightmare! Half and half won't be much better.
Often it seems that giving people choice is the "fair" thing to do, but I would argue that the rules were set when everyone signed up: NO GOODIES. If people want to exchange extras, there are plenty of exchange groups out there.
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